Posts tagged “Equality”

The terror of feminism

From Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy: He began to think of her, of what she was thinking and feeling. For the first time he pictured vividly to himself her personal life, her ideas, her desires, and the idea that she could and should have a separate life of her own seemed to him so alarming that […]

What I’ve Noticed

Instead of paying for decent healthcare or public transit, our government is paying, quite literally, for more cheese. Coming out can be really, really hard.  But funny, too: “I think I’m… well, um… a bicycle.” Overcoming gender essentialism is also really, really hard.  But it’s so worth it. Cheating is a huge problem in our […]

What I’ve Noticed: Politicians don’t get economics edition

AZ governor and strong supporter of the bad-for-business anti-immigrant law, Jan Brewer, lies about immigrants and her own past. Anyone who grows such lovely hydrangeas couldn’t possibly be a spy! Knowing a little history goes a long way towards refuting people who try to rewrite it.  It could also prevent our politicians from making the […]

What I’ve Noticed

Frank Fenner thinks we’ll go the way of the Easter Islanders in the next 100 years.  I disagree that humans will go extinct, but I agree that we’ve waited far too long to address energy and population issues to avoid dramatic and involuntary reduction in our population.  And it’s already happening: resource competition, exacerbated by […]

Racism in AZ

I’ve written a few times now about Arizona’s new immigration law.  What I haven’t focused on so much is the very acceptable racism in Arizona.  I’ve noticed it most at coffee shops when I overhear conversations.  From the Bible study group to the AA accountability partners to the crunchy granola hippies, I’ve heard Hispanic people […]

Are we really doing this again?

John Tierney thinks that women just can’t measure up to men when it comes to math and science.  His column is infuriating, but I’ll let Female Science Professor, Dr. Isis, dana at EotAW, and PZ Myers take it apart for me. FSP summarizes the article snarkily and succinctly: There are flawed studies that show that females and males […]