Japanese farmers grow the most beautiful apples. The process is incredibly labor intensive, however, and may die out in the next generation or so.
Peg Mullen, the Cindy Sheehan of the Vietnam war, died last week.
Why aren’t more women philosophers? It’s the same reason most women steer clear of computer science: the large proportion of arrogant, sexist pricks currently in the profession.
Hope you like bugs – one of their major predators is on the way out. And amphibians aren’t the only ones in trouble: 20% of mammals, 12% of birds, 5% of reptiles, and 4% of fish are in danger of extinction.
Just one more woman on a committee or in a group can make an incredible difference. I’ve been in math classes where I’m the only woman and math classes where I’m one of just a few women. FSP really captures the difference in the dynamic in her post.
On COROT-7b, it rains rocks into lava lakes.
ExxonMobil is still funding climate change denial PR. Since we’re going to hit peak oil in the next 20 years and there’s no way we can change things fast enough to prepare for that, they’ve set themselves up for some incredible profits. Unfortunately, their profits won’t help us much.
Think ecosystems don’t provide absolutely essential “services” for humanity? Check out what cutting down part of a forest has done to an entire country.