Posts tagged “Graduate school”

Remember that time in grad school

When you took a class from your supervisor and wrote almost all of the term paper in one intense weekend with three whole days to polish and check references and then accidentally overwrote it with an old outline backup 24 hours before the deadline? One day this is going to be a funny story.

Time management in grad school

The next ESA interview I’ll post is with Colin Kremer, one of my favorite people on the planet. We talked all about why he’s an ecologist and some of the cool stuff he works on, but also spent some time catching up and talking about grad school. In the short snippet below, he turns the […]


On Saturday, I finished a major task two whole days before the deadline. And while the length of my to-do list is still so long that I have to remind myself to breathe every time I unfold it, I decided that I would take Sunday off. So instead of muddling through a problem set or […]

Plus Minus – On screwing up a presentation

I gave a presentation at a small conference this weekend on an idea I have for trying to solve a really cool problem. The presentation went really well and conversations with other people at the conference helped me refine the idea and make me more confident about pursuing it. So the informal questions and discussion […]

Grad school and money

Applying to graduate school is expensive – application fees, taking tests, seemingly endless transcript requests and score reports, and miscellaneous travel expenses that weren’t reimbursed. All in all, it cost me about $1500 to apply to grad school. If that number seems high to you, consider that many people applying for degrees beyond undergrad pay […]

Grad School Visit

When I went to my first graduate school visit, I hadn’t been accepted yet. The visit was definitely an interview, even if it wasn’t very formal, and all of my time there was scheduled in advance. I hardly had a moment to myself. My last grad school visit was quite different. I was already accepted, […]

Grad school interviews

My first grad school visit was a lot of fun: lots of exciting science conversations, casual dinners, and even a little field trip. The interviews were pretty informal – I only felt like I was being interviewed for about 5 minutes of the entire weekend.  I also got to dress up most days, which was […]