Posts tagged “Climate change”

Global Warming is Going to Get Us

The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, is doing his best to get countries to work together to deal with climate change, warning us that “We have four months to secure the future of our planet.” You may think that’s alarmist, and that’s what the oil companies funding “controversy” are banking on.  Yes, figuring […]


Many scientists try to separate advocacy and science, but that’s probably not a good idea: The only two logically sound arguments that emerge, say the researchers, are the social harm that might result if scientists, who are the true experts, don’t advocate; and the fact that researchers are citizens first and scientists second, and therefore […]

What I’ve Noticed

Pirates: some historical perspective and a bit of context. The ability to synchronize and our ability to cooperate. The World Digital Library.  All kinds of interesting books, maps, and artifacts from around the world. I hope I’m this cool when I’m 100. Similarities between the anti-global warming misinformation campaign and the tobacco industry’s misinformation campaign. […]

What We Killed Thursday

Ascension Island is a teeny tiny island in the middle of nowhere.  However, you’ve almost certainly heard of it (or at least seen it on a nature show) since it’s one of the most important breeding grounds for seabirds in the tropical Atlantic.  It’s a relatively young island and so it is in a very […]

What I’ve Noticed

What gender expectations do to people. Settlers of Catan really is the perfect board game.  I should buy my own soon. China refuses to participate in an important awareness raising climate change action in order to celebrate “Serf Liberation Day” – when the Dalai Lama was kicked out of Tibet. Oh propaganda. If the Obama […]

Tout Disparaître

Welcome to another edition of What We Killed This Thursday.  Dracaena umbraculifera, Umbrella dracaena, was found on Mauritius in 1797.   It was propagated and grown by plant collectors and is found in several botanic gardens, but has not been seen in the wild since the original description. Mauritius is a fairly remote island with relatively […]

Gloom and Doom

Science was not taken very seriously at all by the Bush administration, and Obama is working hard to restore scientific integrity in the executive branch.  Last week, the White House issued a memorandum as part of its effort to correct the ignorance and manipulation of science to fit ideological goals.  It stated that Political officials […]