Posts tagged “Climate change”

Climate Change

Today is Blog Action Day and the hope this year is to get people blogging about, talking about, and discussing climate change.  I talk a lot about climate change on here, but I approach it as a scientist for the most part.  I grew up with people who flat out denied that climate change could […]

It’s the End of the World As We Know It

We’ve waited so long to do anything about climate change, that sea level rise of more than 6 feet (and half of that predicted in this century) is pretty much unstoppable now.  Things are going to go pretty badly for most countries, but island nations will be faced with (proportionately) far more land loss (forcing […]

What I’ve Noticed

Japanese farmers grow the most beautiful apples.  The process is incredibly labor intensive, however, and may die out in the next generation or so. Peg Mullen, the Cindy Sheehan of the Vietnam war, died last week. Why aren’t more women philosophers?  It’s the same reason most women steer clear of computer science: the large proportion […]


Dust storms suck, but could help slow global warming, which is a very very good thing since it’s likely temps will increase more than 7 °F in the next 40 or 50 years.  This is an incredible rate of warming – more than 250 times faster than one of the fastest warming periods (that we […]

What I’ve Noticed

It’s more expensive to be gay. The Straight Girl’s Guide to Sleeping with Chicks.  I’m beginning to think straight women don’t actually exist. Mac vs. PC hilarity. Another health insurance company screws over another sick person. Frat boys that aren’t awful human beings.  Hooray feminism! Nike resigned from the board of the Chamber of Commerce […]

What I’ve Noticed

Very cool new medical device invented at a fraction of the usual cost. What is music and can non-human animals enjoy it? The people who make the least get cheated the most by their employers. Verizon is sponsoring the Friends of America Rally, a big coal event to kill climate change legislation.  Tell them that’s […]