Global Warming is Going to Get Us

The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, is doing his best to get countries to work together to deal with climate change, warning us that “We have four months to secure the future of our planet.” You may think that’s alarmist, and that’s what the oil companies funding “controversy” are banking on.  Yes, figuring out past and future climate is complicated, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know the climate is changing and that the effects are going to be bad.  Even groups that traditionally denied climate change are confident enough that it’s occurring to advocate for (bad) geoengineering schemes.

Some recent climate change & environmental news:

Traditional weather patterns around the world are shifting rapidly and 1 in 7 people may be a climate refugee in as little as 50 years

We’ve caused incredible (and deadly) algal blooms in Brittany.

We’ve made the oceans able to spawn more and deadlier hurricanes.

We’re losing many more species than we can afford.

Ecosystems are changing rapidly as some species adapt and others die out.

How to solve these problems? Consuming less is part of the solution, but reducing population is even more important.  The single best thing you can do to ensure a healthier planet and a better future for the human race is to not have children.