Posts filed under “Migraine”

An electroshock tiara for your migraines

So I’m going to tell my supervisor Wednesday that the migraine medicine that looked like it was working had some problematic side effects.1 After blundering through a bit of work during a migraine hangover today, I decided to do a bit of research on the latest and greatest in migraine treatments. The first bridges the gulf […]

Tuesday shoesday – Migraine fashion edition

Do you think these shades would go with these shoes? You may think that wearing enormous orange sunglasses inside over your normal glasses deducts way too many cool points to even try them. However, I can assure you that crawling across the floor in front of a coworker while vomiting actually deducts more, so the […]

What to do when you can’t work

I thought I would start the new year with a lovely walk to work and a nice quiet day in the office. But I woke up late this morning with that unique combination of trembly weakness and neck stiffness that portends a migraine. I wobbled into the kitchen, took a Relpax with my oatmeal, and […]

While you’re waiting for the bus

Helena, Montana Passes LGBT Nondiscrimination Protections Who started that ridiculous bathroom idea? I’ve heard it in several discussions now when towns were trying to pass non-discrimination ordinances. How Online Giant Amazon Prevents Workers From Receiving Unemployment Insurance I really need to stop shopping on Amazon. Revamped Migraine Elimination Diet: Avoiding Histamine & Salicylates Figuring out […]

Sick at conferences

This past summer I wrote a little about what it was like to attend a scientific conference as a person with a chronic illness. I’m not the only one who struggles with this aspect of an academic career. I wonder if there’s something about conferences that could be changed to make them easier for sick […]