After almost a month of breaking my morning yoga routine because of migraines and busyness, I pretended that all my looming deadlines didn’t exist this morning and got back into it. I sounded like a bowl of rice crispies with a megaphone, but it was lovely. Despite the time I “lost” doing yoga this morning, I was more energetic and productive afterwords than I have been in about a month – the amount of time I’ve been skipping. So, unless I have a migraine and absolutely cannot, I am going to practice every single morning.
Yoga also helps with a pretty serious side effect of the incredible amount of time I spend with a migraine – a feeling of dissociation from and betrayal by my own body.
I started doing yoga regularly after meeting Karen of donutszenmom. Her daughter is one of my favorite people in the whole world, and Karen might be the best parent I’ve ever met. One of the things that I think makes her a great mom is that she is so much more than a mom. I think a lot of mothers forget that, or surpress other parts of themselves. She also has a delightfully wicked sense of humor. I recently liked this post on doing things that are hard and this post on a visit to the eye doctor.