Archive for 2009
What’s the problem?
E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: The current status of the social sciences can be put in perspective by comparing them with the medical sciences. Both have been entrusted with big, urgent problems. … In both spheres the problems have been intractably complex, partly because the root causes are poorly understood. The medical […]
In an attempt to avoid monsoons (and resulting migraines), I spent most of July in Davis, CA where the weather is much more consistent in the summers than where I live. I didn’t do too many vacation-y things since I was getting ready for a conference and a workshop, but I did enjoy staying in […]
What I’ve Noticed
We’re cutting all the wrong things. If I ever live somewhere humid enough, I’m going to grow these in my house. How to stifle innovation and piss off your customers. Dr. Isis might be the best mom in the world: if … Little Isis does grow to prefer silver metallic heels to black wingtips, then […]
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Financial Aid
Last year I got enough scholarship and grant money that I didn’t have to take out any loans. This year has gone even better, despite not getting the Udall. In addition to having enough to pay for school, rent, and all my bills through August 2010, I’ll be able to get new glasses (which I […]
A Very Big Hole in the Ground
I live relatively close to the Grand Canyon, and friends and family want to see it when they visit. This means that I’ve been to the Grand Canyon quite a few times now. I like that I’ve been able to visit the Grand Canyon through different seasons and in different weather. I wish I handled […]
Visit Your Local Arboretum!
My town has an arboretum that I’m familiar with mostly because there are several ongoing forest ecology experiments nearby. I visited the public part once the first year I was here and then again a few weeks ago when my mother was visiting. I appreciate it a lot more now that I know so much […]