
In an attempt to avoid monsoons (and resulting migraines), I spent most of July in Davis, CA where the weather is much more consistent in the summers than where I live.

I didn’t do too many vacation-y things since I was getting ready for a conference and a workshop, but I did enjoy staying in Davis.  I especially liked how easy it was to bike around – it’s very flat, there are bike lanes everywhere, and drivers are generally aware of cyclists.  Drivers here are usually either oblivious or openly hostile.

I was also borrowing a very nice bike.

The bike I borrowed

This bike's awesomeness >> my bike's awesomeness

My bike was beaten, then abandoned, rescued by property surplus, and left outside by its next owner for a year and a half before I got it.  It’s very rusty and doesn’t change gears anymore.  It was also designed for someone about a foot taller than me.