Stop Dieting

proud and fat

Someone really needs to do something about companies like weight watchers. And our idea of fat people needs to change. Fat is not ugly or lazy or even unhealthy in many cases. And dieting does not work.

There is a reason that fat people cannot stay thin after they diet and that thin people cannot stay fat when they force themselves to gain weight. The body’s metabolism speeds up or slows down to keep weight within a narrow range. Gain weight and the metabolism can as much as double; lose weight and it can slow to half its original speed.

In fact, it can be pretty unhealthy:

fat people who lost large amounts of weight might look like someone who was never fat, but they were very different. In fact, by every metabolic measurement, they seemed like people who were starving.

And not just physical health is affected:

The Rockefeller subjects also had a psychiatric syndrome, called semi-starvation neurosis, which had been noticed before in people of normal weight who had been starved. They dreamed of food, they fantasized about food or about breaking their diet. They were anxious and depressed; some had thoughts of suicide. They secreted food in their rooms. And they binged.

It turns out that weight is inherited genetically. And it’s more strongly inherited than almost any other condition. Your body works hard to maintain that weight by controlling metabolism and appetite. Telling a fat person to diet, that all you have to do is eat less and exercise more, is wrong.

“Those who doubt the power of basic drives, however, might note that although one can hold one’s breath, this conscious act is soon overcome by the compulsion to breathe,” Dr. Friedman wrote. “The feeling of hunger is intense and, if not as potent as the drive to breathe, is probably no less powerful than the drive to drink when one is thirsty. This is the feeling the obese must resist after they have lost a significant amount of weight.”


  1. dave says:

    so………how much do you weigh??, and if not answered i can only assume that you are overweight and thus bias in your opinion to post this rediculous page………

  2. sarcozona says:

    Do you assume that black people are biased in their assessment of racism? Or that women are biased in their assessment of feminism?

    The group facing discrimination can see the harm done them much more clearly than those outside the group responsible for the oppression. I am lucky that I do not have to face fat-discrimination. But as a woman with many beautiful friends who feel that their natural weight is a personal failing, I hope to change perceptions of what is fat and what is beautiful.

    Also this “rediculous [sic]” page was based on a scientific study that gave rather unequivocal results contradicting the expectations of many scientists. There is a distinct lack of bias in this page.

  3. Nathan says:

    Overweight people suffering from heart conditions and diabetes will probably disagree with your post.

    The term “fat” is simply far too generic to be of any use.

  4. sarcozona says:

    You are right, the very obese do suffer from serious health problems. But most women who are considered fat do not suffer physically because of it.

  5. Jo says:

    This article is sorely uninformed. obesity holds a host of health problems. Overweight people should be encouraged to lose weight, to offset diabetes and death. i’m pretty tired of paying increasing health care costs because america cant stop eating fast food.

  6. sarcozona says:

    There can be health problems associated with being very obese. But a size 10 or 12 or larger for many people is normal. Their cholesterol levels, etc are comparable or sometimes even better than their skinny peers. I do agree that many (esp lower income) people eat a diet that encourages unhealthy/unnatural obesity. I have actually addressed this subject here.

  7. stuart says:

    I would love to know what is the name of the “scientific study” that gives you authority on this issue. Being obese is not a ‘normal thing’ nobody has a ‘normal metabolic rate’ set for them to be 400lbs. This is an aberration from the norm. It is hardly the only aberration that exists. Anorexia is another extreme, it is sad that people in America are either poor / or rich and nothing in between and thus live on fast food or don’t eat to maintain celebrity (who themselves are not healthy) looks respectively. Even body builders who eat all these high protein diets increase their muscle mass so much that they push their kidneys into renal failure much earlier. Obesity is just another response of our body’s perfect metabolic rate. The body was made to hunt and gather, not to just sit by resting and digesting all the time. If you feed it, it will store for the winter days, if you feed it some more it will store some more this is how we have evolved to keep our species alive. If we were not able to do this, none of our races would be alive today.
    America needs to make some serious changes at the level of government, hitting these fast food companies hard and forcing better practices. Lets look at some stats we have made for ourselves:
    3.8 million people are over 300 pounds In america.
    63% of Americans are overweight via BMI.
    31% are obese with a BMI.

    A 45 year old woman is taken into the emergency department in severe distress it takes 8 men to load her off the stretcher…she is 460lbs and cant move. She is in severe chest pain. EKG shows ST elevation in the anterior leads…Troponins +ve X3 ….this is what i see in this country everyday…dont fool yourself my friend….FAT KILLS…

  8. sarcozona says:

    The studies are cited in the NYtimes article I linked. As I said earlier in the comments, women are labeled obese at very normal sizes. Size 10 is “fat.” Most women labeled obese do not have health problems due to their weight. Size 10, or even a size 14 or 16 is not necessarily unhealthy, but women these sizes are encouraged to starve themselves – which is unhealthy.

  9. Mike says:

    After losing a large amount of weight (compared to my body size), I wanted to come back to this.

    In around six months, I lost a little over 23% of my body mass.

    At first, I was extremely hungry between meals. But I am incredibly, ridiculously stubborn, so I just didn’t eat. I am pretty sure most people cannot do that, at least not for as long as I did. So that study is correct in that respect, I think.

    But then, something changed.

    After a few months, I didn’t get hungry anymore. Especially after I started taking multi-vitamins (not sure if this helped, but it sure seemed to).

    Now, there is just no possible way I could eat as much as I used to. I marvel that I ever did so.

    I have no doubt I’ll have little trouble keeping the weight off, or even losing more if I wanted to (which would be unhealthy — I weigh 152 now).

    There are always outliers. I am probably one of them. But I just wanted to report my personal experience. 🙂

    • sarcozona says:

      Perhaps you are an outlier. We’ll have to wait a couple years to find out for sure. In the meantime, this is a pretty interesting review of how genetic and environmental factors influence obesity.

      • Mike says:

        Very interesting paper.

        From a complete layman’s perspective, it looks like increasing leptin sensitivity in already-obese post-pubertal adults or increasing leptin saturation might be the easiest path to some sort of pharmacological obesity amelioration. I am sure there is already massive research being done on this, as it would make some company billions.

        Also, I want to name a band “Reduced Neuronal Dendritic Aborization.”

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