Posts tagged “Botany”

Spring Break, day 5: Lotusland part 3

The water garden used to be a swimming pool. Ganna Walksa, the creator of the garden, kept a narrow lane as a pool and filled the rest with water lilies. We weren’t there at the right time to see them blooming, but it was still a very calm part of the garden. Near the house, […]

Spring Break, day 5: Lotusland part 2

The Japanese garden had a muddy pond, some very well pruned trees and beautiful maples, but I was mostly excited about the camellias. I love these plants, and I haven’t seen one in bloom since I left North Carolina. The aloe garden was the first truly botanically exciting part of the garden for me.  I […]

Spring Break, day 5: Lotusland part 1

The last morning of our trip, we went to Lotusland. Lotusland is an absolutely incredible garden. Ganna Walska, a mediocre opera singer and incredibly beautiful woman, built it with the money of the men who loved her. This isn’t just a garden. It’s art. We only got to spend a few hours there. I could […]

Spring Break, day 3

So I’ve written about the first two days of spring break already. It’s been over a month since the trip, so I thought I’d try to finish up this week. The third day of the trip was spent mostly in the van. No one died. We did stop to stretch our legs and get a […]

Festival of the Trees

The 23rd edition of Festival of the Trees is up at 10,000 Birds. Of course, you also think trees are almost the best part of the world we live in and will go read every entry. Just in case you don’t, though, the best bits are right here: From the intro this post on magnolias […]

Berry Go Round 4

The 4th edition of Berry Go Round is up at Foothills Fancies.  Go check it out! Highlights: This post on redbuds makes me terribly homesick. Julia is right: this seed fern fossil discovery is very exciting. The twists and turns of research. Bryophytes rock my world.

Berry Go Round 4

The 4th edition of Berry Go Round is up at Foothills Fancies.  If you don’t have time to go read all the awesome entries, highlights are below: Biodiversity and health issues at Seeds Aside. New seed fern fossils found where we didn’t expect them (in time) at the Ethical Palaeontologist. I’m very jealous that Fred […]