Posts tagged “Queer”

What I’ve Noticed

PZ points out the ridiculousness of Pat Boone’s article equating the attack in Mumbai with Prop 8 backlash. China and India will follow the US on climate change policy, but countries like Mexico are leading the way. Dr. Isis has an inspiring post up on being a woman in science.  And believe me, we need […]

Back to it

It’s been far too long since I’ve blogged about shoes.  I haven’t stopped spending precious sleep time perusing zappos, however.  I’ve got a gazillion boots in my favorites, and have been recently inspired by my freaking HERO Dr. Isis to start back up with the shoe blogging.  Reading Sublimefemme also gets me thinking about shoes […]

What I’ve noticed

While much of the news has focused on foreigners in Mumbai, Indians have borne the brunt of the attacks. SublimeFemme weighs in on the gay-marriage issue – I agree with her: But why should anyone have to be married in order to have access to a basic human right like health care?  I would like to see queers […]

What I’ve noticed

Obama is considering a drug czar who opposes needle exchange programs.  Needle exchange programs are very effective HIV prevention tools and help slow the spread of of other diseases such as Hepatitis C. Not long before the Transgender Day of Remembrance police brutally beat Duanna Johnson, a transwoman.  She was found dead recently. Sublimefemme links […]

What I’ve noticed

You know that $700 billion bailout?  Did you know the Federal Reserve gave $2 TRILLION in emergency loans?  And they won’t say who that money went to? That’s your money. Google is better than the CDC at following flu epidemics. PZ writes about Mormon support for Prop 8 in CA. Obama includes gender identity in […]

How good does this book look?

Femmes of Power: Exploding Queer Femininities This book looks absolutely fantastic: “To us, femininity is neither phallic fantasy nor default, it’s beyond surface and it certainly does not passively wait to come alive through a (male) gaze. Fiercely intentional, neither objects nor objective, we have stuff to get out our chests. But speaking bittersweets truths […]

Proposition 8

Proposition 8 in California passed last Tuesday.  The proposition overturns a recent California Supreme Court decision recognizing same-sex marriage by ammending the state constitution to say “”Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”  This was heartbreaking news for many LGBT people across the country.  We wondered how one […]