Posts tagged “Climate change”

What do you know?

LL Cool Joe started an interesting meme a couple weeks ago and Leo tagged me. The rules: 1. You’ve got to post a link from the person who tagged you. 2. List 8 things that you know about on your chosen subject. You get to choose the subject. 3. You don’t have to tag anyone […]

What I’ve noticed

Some of the language in this article on Chris Brown’s abuse of Rhianna is really upsetting: a brutal argument between the singer and his girlfriend, Rihanna, provoked by her discovery of a text message from another woman. [emphasis mine] Abuse is not a “brutal argument” and “provoked” suggests she somehow is to blame for the […]

What I’ve Noticed

PZ points out the ridiculousness of Pat Boone’s article equating the attack in Mumbai with Prop 8 backlash. China and India will follow the US on climate change policy, but countries like Mexico are leading the way. Dr. Isis has an inspiring post up on being a woman in science.  And believe me, we need […]

What I’ve noticed

Lots of interesting science this week: Here‘s an incredibly interesting experiment that shows how easily our brains can be fooled into disowning our own bodies. [via 3QD] Cows have a compass! In addition to killing birds, wind farms are killing bats.  Wind farm mortality is nothing compared to the damage this strange illness (likely related […]

What I’ve Noticed (belatedly)

Georgia: even more of a backwater than you thought. Read a book, plant a tree. I need a lot of these. You don’t believe in evolution. You just believe it. To believe in something takes faith, trust, effort, strength. I need none of these things to believe evolution. It just is. My health is better […]

What I’ve Noticed

Temperatures are expected to be a bit cooler in the next decade due to natural cycles, but after that, the current too-fast rate of warming will continue.  Hopefully people pay attention to articles like this instead of saying “well it’s been really cold the last few years so global warming can’t be a problem.” Some […]

drought and australian farmers

The Australian government pays farmers during drought and wants to modify the program to help farmers deal better with climate change. Agriculture Minister Tony Burke says he supports the payments system but wants it to be improved, with farmers given more help to deal with climate change. … “What we want to make sure of […]