Posts tagged “Academia”

Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth

With Republicans and Tea Partiers in power in the House and some serious financial problems in the country, things look really bad for a lot of science funding. I was talking about some of the frustrations of getting research funded with a friend last night. Her response surprised me. She works in education and she […]

Femme Friday – Grant Writing Edition

So there’s this grant proposal I’ve been tinkering with on and off for the last few months, but haven’t really pulled together yet.  I thought it was due November 15.  I met with my boss Wednesday to discuss ways to frame our project.  She reminded me of some administrative paperwork I’d need to do before […]

What I’ve Noticed

Mining companies like to claim that they’re bringing economic benefits, but cleanup and health costs far outweigh positive contributions to the economy. After thousands of years, we’ve finally discovered what the argonaut octopus uses its shell for – it’s essentially a ballast tank. HUGE step: we’ve synthesized life. Autism doesn’t have anything to do with […]

What I’ve Noticed

Anti-vaxxers are a blast from the past – who knew whooping cough would still be killing people in developed countries in the 21st century? Important information that your intro stats professor likely didn’t mention. While cutting classes and entire programs, reducing pay for already underpaid professors, and laying people off right and left, my university […]

What I’ve Noticed

Arizona enacted a law this week that makes it a state crime for undocumented immigrants to be in AZ.  It’s basically an excuse for police to fuck with any and all brown people who accidentally leave their driver’s licenses at home. Did you get flowers for your significant other this Valentine’s Day?  Did you know […]

What I’ve Noticed

Lights on how the Christian community accepts rapists and vilifies their victims. Green spaces make you healthier. I wonder if houseplants help. Banning abortion doesn’t make it rarer, but it does make it more dangerous: unsafe abortions kill 70,000 women a year.  A lack of access to contraceptives leads to 60 million unintended pregnancies a […]