Posts filed under “Uncategorized”
Are we really doing this again?
John Tierney thinks that women just can’t measure up to men when it comes to math and science. His column is infuriating, but I’ll let Female Science Professor, Dr. Isis, dana at EotAW, and PZ Myers take it apart for me. FSP summarizes the article snarkily and succinctly: There are flawed studies that show that females and males […]
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Escaping the dog
From Muriel Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog: We are good primates, so we spend most of our time maintaining and defending our territory, so that it will protect and gratify us; climbing – or trying not to slide down – the tribe’s hierarchical ladder, and fornicating in every manner imaginable – even mere phantasams. Thus […]
What I’ve Noticed
The higher education bubble. A million dollars in copyright infringement on Glee demonstrates the ridiculousness of current copyright law. A whistleblower in the NYPD exposed some pretty serious problems, but all anyone is going to remember is “cocking the memo books.” I was thinking about saving for a fancy phone and AT&T ruins it.
For the faggots
The bus driver I rode with this afternoon wasn’t happy to find out that Pride was this weekend. I assumed it was the traffic he had a problem with until he derisively spat “faggots!” People rarely look at me and assume I’m a lesbian, but I froze, irrationally terrified I would be singled out in […]
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
The Elegance of the Hedgehog is one of the loveliest books I’ve ever read. I haven’t enjoyed reading a book so much in a very long time, and I was sad to finish it – I wanted it to go on and on. I usually don’t enjoy rereading books, but I think I’ll keep this […]
How white?
The new immigration law in Arizona is flat-out racist, but a lot of people have a hard time understanding how the law could ever have negative effects on people not breaking the law. The inimitable Dr. Isis lays it out for you: This law, an unchecked open door to racial profiling, terrifies me. Over the […]