Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

Forgetting about death is the entire point of food culture.

Changing our eating habits is so fraught because eating is about far more than food. Ancient humans must have decided, once their bellies were full, that there was more to life than mere survival and staring mortality in the face. They went on to build things in which they could find distraction, comfort, recreation, and […]

Your model is wrong – and it kills people

A common response to a homeless person asking for money is “get a job.” When people say this they reveal some assumptions about the way they believe the world works. Some of the assumptions revealed by “get a job” are there are enough jobs for everyone everyone is physically and mentally capable of the available […]

Driving turns people into the worst versions of themselves

The popularity of living without a car is only weakly related to population and density (with correlations of around .2). Going car-free is much more closely related to America’s economic and political divides. via The Best and Worst U.S. Places to Live Car-Free – CityLab

Forcing millennials into shitty southern suburbs isn’t a solution to our political problems

All over the world, liberal, college-educated voters pack into cities, where they dilute their own voting power through excessive concentration [via American Migration Patterns Should Terrify the GOP – CityLab] Liberal voters aren’t diluting their own voting power. We prioritize land over population at basically all levels of voting and then heavily subsidize rural and […]

Women on the far right

Women may not always be very visible in far right movements, but they are absolutely part of it. The far right (in some places) is starting to make some concessions to women’s rights while emphasizing xenophobia, which attracts many (white) women who are playing more prominent roles in far right movements. Scholars, policymakers and the […]

Rich people are burdens on society

Do Multi-Million Dollar Mansions Really Benefit Cities? No. Even at the level of property taxes they’re paying less than the rest of us, and once services, infrastructure, etc are factored in, mansions look even worse.