Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

To stop migraines, stop

I think if I spent the rest of my life lying perfectly still in a freezing, dark room with my head on a block of ice, I would have dramatically fewer migraines. But cold, dark, quiet rooms where you do not move are rather dull.

Student loans

It’s like a life tax. You know, like, if you, if you want a job, and you want to, like, go about your life and your business, it’s just something you have to pay. Like a car payment. Climbing walls and college costs

What I read when I couldn’t get out of bed

Stuff worth reading I’d rather watch shows about teenaged girls figuring out what it means to be a monster via Epicene Cyborg IBM’s Watson is better at diagnosing cancer than human doctors Basic Income and the Atavistic Appeal of Austerity. Men are worried that women will laugh at them, while women are worried that men […]


I have a post up over on Tenure, She Wrote about how femininity is seen as an incompetent other in my workplace. I wanted to write more about the experience people with queer genders or trans people have, but that’ll have to wait for another post.

While you’re waiting for the bus

Stuff worth reading A National Blessing Household debt is not the same as national debt Why Don’t Americans Have Bike Barriers? I like to bike in heels and skirts and avoid cars Not-so special K: big pharma wants ketamine clones to treat depression Prisons turn to computer algorithms for deciding who to parole A better […]