Posts filed under “Uncategorized”
The Power of Pink Shoes
There are very few days these shoes can’t improve.
I thought I’d spend the week after finals relaxing a bit. Instead, I’ve had class every day from 8:30 to 4:30. Not that I’m complaining, of course. The fantastic ecological modeler giving the workshop that’s been eating my days is well worth a few more days of sleep deprivation and an exploded closet (if that […]
An evolutionary history of very close things
From Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters: [T]he remarkable truth is that we come from a long line of failures. We are apes, a group that almost went extinct fifteen million years ago in competition with the better-designed [note: I take serious issue with this phrasing] monkeys. We are primates, a group of […]
Graduation in my Grandmother’s shoes
I graduated yesterday. It’s been a long time coming – as I mentioned, I technically started my undergraduate degree in 2003. But migraines and travel and money slowed things down a bit. There were definite benefits to a slow path through school – I know what I want to do, I’ve learned a great deal […]
I’m planning on taking the general and biology GREs in a few months and plan on doing some studying this summer. To those of you who’ve suffered through them already, what were the best study aids you found?
I’m not an undergraduate anymore! It’s taken me awhile – I started college in 2003. Expect many posts about the GRE and graduate school applications over the next year.
This Is What Climate Change Looks Like
Nashville received more rainfall with this storm than in any other time period of the same length over the entire weather record for the city.