Posts filed under “Migraine”

Perhaps wolfsbane is the answer?

I was talking to an immigration consultant about whether having migraine could affect my application. She told me a lot about how she has a friend with migraine caused by moon phases. His migraine is apparently always worse during the full moon. I don’t really know what to do with that? But thanks for trying […]

You’re just feeling a little pain, honey

The Girl Who Cried Pain The question changes from “Why do women and men differ in their experiences of pain?” to “How do women dampen the effect of powerful sex differences in physiological pain mechanisms to achieve only small sex difference in their actual pain experience?” [Notice that men’s experience is centered here. We do […]

Sick people are gross I guess

I whine about people not taking migraine seriously, but we’re pretty shit at properly caring for any sick people who are not rich as god. A few months ago I was in line at the grocery store behind a construction worker buying ginger ale on her break to help with her nausea – she was […]

If you just …

So many people tell me to my face that my migraines could be controlled/cured if I wasn’t stressed, if I just did yoga or meditation. I wonder how many people who don’t say that still think staying sick is my fault?