Posts filed under “Migraine”

Migraine Log – Week 19

I’m comparing my migraines with and without Petadolex.  So far, it kind of looks like the medicine I was taking to try and make my migraines better was making them worse.

Migraine Log – Week 18

I took Petadolex for several months to try to get some relief from my migraines.  It didn’t appear to be working, but to make sure, I’m keeping track of my migraines for a few more weeks – while not taking the meds.  Since my main trigger is the weather, points below the line are good.  […]

Migraine Log – Week 17

I’ve been keeping track of my migraines for several months now to see if Petadolex would help my migraines.  What I’d hoped to see with Petadolex was fewer migraines relative to bad weather days (my main migraine trigger).  On the graph, that would mean more points below the line than on or above it.  It […]

Migraine Log – Week 16

I’ve been taking Petadolex for over three months now and haven’t noticed any improvement at all in my migraines.  As of today, I’m going to stop taking it.  However, because I only kept track of my migraines for a week before I started taking Petadolex, I am going to keep track of my migraines for […]

What I’ve Noticed

My university, like many others across the country, is facing unbelievable budget cuts (40%!!!).  They’re cutting programs and employees right and left.  What I don’t get is why they aren’t cutting athletics. “Corrective rape” of lesbians in South Africa goes unprosecuted. Incredibly bad news for women in Arizona.  Come back, Janet! Dear Famous Asshole Neurologist […]

Migraine Log – Week 15

I haven’t posted on how the Petadolex is working in a few weeks, but I have still been keeping track of it.  Here’s an updated graph.  It’s looking hopeful! It might be having an effect.

Bad news, good news

I have a terrible cold and no chicken noodle soup. BUT the weather is looking gorgeous for the next few days: While I may complain non-stop about having a cold, a stuffed up nose is much nicer than a migraine.  In other migraine news, I finally found some good barometric pressure information for the United […]