Posts filed under “Migraine”

Theorists writing about the social construction of illness have argued that legitimacy in medicine is primarily dictated by a reductionist epistemology—that is, in Western societies, diseases are legitimate when real, and “real” refers to symptoms that can be linked to an identifiable, biological pathology. 38 Ideally, the pathology should be “specific,” meaning that the pathology […]

Gastric stasis in migraineurs: etiology, characteristics, and clinical and therapeutic implications.

Gastric stasis in migraineurs: etiology, characteristics, and clinical and therapeutic implications. Migraines can cause your stomach to empty too slowly, making you feel like shit: Gastric stasis, also called gastroparesis (5), is defined as delayed emptying of the stomach in the absence of mechanical obstruction, and its clinical manifestations include nausea, vomiting, bloating, and weight […]

What the Gut Can Teach Us About Migraine.

What the Gut Can Teach Us About Migraine. Nice recent summary of what we know about interactions between the head-brain and the gut-brain in migraine. Touches on why dietary changes help some migraineurs. Take home paragraph: The physiological connection between the gut and the brain as well as the influence on brain function and behavior […]

Although neurobiology offers a biological explanation for migraine, this explanatory framework may have less power to legitimate migraine if it is understood in terms that replicate already existing assumptions about men and women in pain. stakeholders’ best attempts to legitimate migraine are undermined by cultural meanings of headache and migraine that are overlaid with assumptions […]

Botox is woefully underused in the treatment of chronic migraines

nyheadache: The FDA approved Botox injections for the treatment of chronic migraine headaches more than five years ago. I just discovered that in this period of time only 100,000 chronic migraine sufferers received this treatment. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, 14 million Americans suffer from chronic migraines, so less than 1% of them have […]

To did

Today I canceled my breakfast plans worked hard on not vomiting for 2 hours made my bed made eggs and toast responded to responses to my ad for a cleaner because I’m too sick to clean my own damn house emailed my psychologist to quit therapy because I keep missing appointments because I’m so sick […]

IMG_9987 Happy as a Clam by Dan Forg Via Flickr: Tomcat. @the-chronic-way is my very first follower! Yay!