Posts filed under “Art”

Hildegard von Bingen was born about 1000 years ago. She was sickly and had “visions.” Based on her drawings and writing, a few scholars now believe she had migraines. Looks like in an environment where auras were interpreted as mystical visions, she did pretty well, becoming > a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian […]

Migraine Art #115 by Migraine Art Via Flickr: From Migraine Art by Klaus Podoll and Derek Robinson

From Migraine Action.

Weekend at the gallery: Harris, Burtynsky, Carr

This weekend it was rainy, as it often is this time of year here, but I was feeling good and wanted to do something. So I went to the art gallery. I saw five exhibitions, which required a break for lunch and a nap afterwards and was a fantastic way to spend the day. Two […]

While you’re waiting for the bus

The enormous cost of propping of the banks was justified by the refrain “too big to fail.” You know what’s really too big to fail? Ecosystems. Zen Faulkes wonders about the constant pressure to explain the relevance of your science: People love all sorts of things that aren’t relevant to them apart from their own […]

What I read on the bus this week

A fellowship I’m applying for wants people who’ve “developed their own vision for the future that defines a bold change for the community or a group, cause or organization.” Of course, people with truly bold visions will have their applications tossed in the garbage. Whenever I get frustrated with my application, I like to picture […]