Posts by sarcozona
Class jumping
I used to think cheese meant pre-wrapped slices of American cheese. Now I’m torn over whether to have oka or smoked havarti on my veggie sandwich.
When we are strong, healthy and prosperous
How he wanted to be cured! In spite of the numbing, obviously hopeless treatment, month after month and year after year — suddenly and finally to be cured! To have his back healed again, to straighten himself up, walk with a firm tread, be a fine figure of a man! “Hello, Ludmila Afanasyevna! I’m all […]
A surprisingly awful thing about triptans
I’ve found doctors tend to brush off most complaints about side effects, despite how unpleasant they can be all on their own. Even many innocuous side effects are very difficult when combined with the symptoms of illness or a particular lifestyle. For example, many triptans have a strong diuretic effect. For me, this kicks in […]
Music for working until you lose track of time
While you’re waiting for the bus
Owning the bitch: negative repercussions of constant positivity while chronically ill What’s Cool Got To Do With It? “a ‘homie’ who borrows enough creative stuff, and sanitizes it to make herself more dangerous while allowing white america to mock and enjoy street artforms without having to deal with looking at actual black people who might […]
Music for waiting
So you think you’re a bad collaborator
This guy Dollard was holed up in a stockade trying not to get his ass kicked by the Iroquois Confederation when he had the brilliant idea to light up powder keg and toss it into the enemy. Unfortunately, he missed and dropped the damn thing in the stockade, blowing allies and his own men and […]