The enormous cost of propping of the banks was justified by the refrain “too big to fail.” You know what’s really too big to fail? Ecosystems.
Zen Faulkes wonders about the constant pressure to explain the relevance of your science:
People love all sorts of things that aren’t relevant to them apart from their own intrinsic interest. Why does science have this higher bar to jump?
A new apple to look for at the grocery store?
You’ve submitted your questions or answers for the queer allies in academia FAQ, right?
An excellent paper teaser on the Oikos blog.
John Cook talks about code as whirlpools and pipelines. My code is like a giant whirlpool with a fleet of broken ships all swirling to their doom.
Next time my officemates glare at me for pacing/stretching/dancing at my desk, I’m going to send them this.
[UPDATE: fixed broken links. Sorry!]