Now that the days are long and the sun is out again, I’ve been spending as much time as I can outside. This is my first spring in Epiphyte City and I’ve got a lot of new plants to learn. You wouldn’t know all the botanizing I’ve been doing by looking at my blog, but lucky for you, other bloggers haven’t been so lazy. Here’s all the latest and greatest on botanizing and plant science interspersed with a few of the plants I’ve seen recently.
Bora‘s reported on some cool new research on how humans have all but turned off barley’s circadian clock.
Cindy at Dipper Ranch gives some tips for spring botanizing in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and Brett goes botanizing (and birding) on the other side of the continent in New England.
Camassia fruit
Hollis has a fascinating post up on the evolution and biogeography of two related ironwoods in southern California.
Read about the chemical helpless-looking corn seedlings make to kill harmful bacteria and attract helpful bacteria over at Inkfish.
Yuval Sapir steps in at The Daily Plant to talk about Madonna lilies – and mixes a little history with his botany.
Danny Chamovitz talks about the questions plant scientists try to answer. The biggest one, of course, is how to feed people in the future.
Kathryn Turner compares the destructive farming practices of modern tequila production with traditional agave growing. Guess which is best?
Lysichiton americanus, aka skunk cabbage or swamp lantern
Thanks for visiting the carnival! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did – I can’t believe it’s been more than two years since I last hosted Berry Go Round! If it’s been awhile since you’ve hosted, or you’ve never hosted but would like to, send a quick email to berrygoround at gmail to sign up. Submit your plant related blogging for the next carnival, which will be at In the Company of Plants and Rocks.