Archive for October, 2010


I’m still busy, though I haven’t gotten overwhelmed enough to distract myself/procrastinate with some serious blog posts.  But I did find this song for you to listen to:

A Month of Flattring

Image via CrunchBase I’ve been using Flattr for just over a month now.  If you haven’t heard of Flattr yet, it’s a social micropayment system – an easy way to show people you appreciate their work. There’s no form to fill out or credit card info to enter every time you want to donate a […]

Richer than you think

Last year I made about $14,000.  More than half of that went to rent and student loan payments.  Sometimes I feel pretty darn poor.  But I’ve never made a late payment and I’ve never gone hungry (though I don’t think I can ever eat ramen again). As poor as I sometimes feel, my income is […]

Living with roommates

From Neal Stephenson’s Zodiac: They shut off our phone service so we all had to sit down and thrash out about three months’ worth of unpaid long-distance bills.  In the middle of a spirited discussion of who had made seven consecutive calls to Santa Cruz at three in the morning, Ike got up and announced […]

Patience with the patient

You’re probably all so sick of bird pictures that you’ve stopped reading my blog, but if you’re still hanging around, I promise it’ll get better. I’ve had a lot (A LOT) of migraines lately, which makes it hard to sit up, let alone write a real blog post.  I’m also pretty busy right now:  I’m […]