The Catch

Yesterday I was supposed to go to a meeting about my research and take an exam.  This weekend I had two migraines, but they weren’t very bad, so I pushed through them to prepare.  Working through those migraines is likely why I got the kind of migraine on Monday that made it impossible for me to attend the meeting or take my exam.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have worked through those migraines on the weekend and rested more.  I probably would have been well enough to take my exam and go to the meeting, but I would have been unprepared.

Perhaps I should have started preparing earlier.  I do try to stay a little ahead and avoid procrastination, but with so many migraines, I feel like I’m just playing catch-up all the time.

This semester I’ve been pretty frustrated with migraines.  I’m behind at work, in my classes, and have piles of paperwork I need to take care of.  At least the weather looks nice this week – some sunshine & migraine free days should go a long way towards cheering me up.