Archive for 2009
Science vs. religion
E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: The essence of humanity’s spiritual dilemma is that we evolved genetically to accept one truth and discovered another.
What I’ve Noticed
It’s more expensive to be gay. The Straight Girl’s Guide to Sleeping with Chicks. I’m beginning to think straight women don’t actually exist. Mac vs. PC hilarity. Another health insurance company screws over another sick person. Frat boys that aren’t awful human beings. Hooray feminism! Nike resigned from the board of the Chamber of Commerce […]
Just a shoe
Animal behavior
E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: If the religious mythos did not exist in a culture, it would be quickly invented, and in fact it has been everywhere, thousands of times through history. Such inevitability is the mark of instinctual behavior in any species. That is, even when learned, it is guided toward […]
Drugs vs. Shoes, or I really am a responsible adult
Today I spent $250 on a 4 month supply of birth control. That’s $750 a year. Before the pharmacy at my school closed because of budget cuts, it was $540 a year. Unfortunately, I can’t find a prescription discount card that covers my pills. Despite the outrageous cost (you’d think the pills with less hormone […]
Why is this a debate?
A new study in the American Journal of Public Health calculated that 45,000 non-elderly US citizens die every year (based on data from the 80s and 90s) because they don’t have health insurance. That number is higher than the 18 – 22,000 cited in many other articles because the studies that estimated the 18 – […]
How religion went bad
E.O. Wilson in Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge: The rising agricultural societies, egalitarian at first, became hierarchical. As chiefdoms and then states thrived on agricultural surpluses, hereditary rulers and priestly castes took power. The old ethical codes were transformed into coercive regulations, always to the advantage of the ruling classes. About this time the idea […]