Sleep & migraines

Pressure changes are just one of many things that give me migraines.  I went to bed with a migraine at 2pm yesterday and am about to go back to bed now just 30 minutes after waking up since it hasn’t gone away.  Here’s what the pressure looks like:

12-02 MigraineSmall, slow changes and almost flat in the several hours before my migraine started – not what I expect to see if my migraine is caused by pressure change.

The migraine I have now is kind of my fault.  My migraines are very sensitive to how much sleep I get and how regular it is.  Staying up late, whether or not I sleep in, almost guarantees me a migraine.  Monday night I stayed up late working on a paper and woke up normally – two and a half hours later.

Unless this migraine goes away in the next hour or so, it looks like I’m going to be staying up late tonight, too.  My statistics homework is going to take awhile.

I try to be careful about my sleep schedule.  I start assignments early and set aside chunks of time throughout the semester to work on large papers.  But when I get lots of migraines from weather changes, it’s difficult not to fall behind.  Then I end up staying up late to try to finish things, which gives me more migraines, which puts me more behind.

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