Archive for March, 2009

Pi(e) Day!

March 14th was Pi Day and the first day of spring break.  Of course, I had a party – only round food allowed!  I had lots and lots of leftover pumpkin in the freezer, so I decided to make some pumpkin pies.  I hadn’t made a pumpkin pie since I realized that dairy and eggs […]

Migraine Log – Week 17

I’ve been keeping track of my migraines for several months now to see if Petadolex would help my migraines.  What I’d hoped to see with Petadolex was fewer migraines relative to bad weather days (my main migraine trigger).  On the graph, that would mean more points below the line than on or above it.  It […]

Life vs. living

From Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: I happened to lose my life at one particular moment in time, and I have gone on living these forty years or more with my life lost.  As a person who finds himself in such a position, I have come to think that life is a far more […]

What I’ve Noticed

Finding effective treatments for Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses has become much more difficult.  As usual, it’s all about the money: The problem, they say, started back in 1980, when Ronald Reagan changed the rules governing how scientists (and the entities they work for) profit from their work. Where scientists used to gain fame […]

Gloom and Doom

Science was not taken very seriously at all by the Bush administration, and Obama is working hard to restore scientific integrity in the executive branch.  Last week, the White House issued a memorandum as part of its effort to correct the ignorance and manipulation of science to fit ideological goals.  It stated that Political officials […]

Goddamn Götterdämmerung

This week’s extinction Thursday features not one, but TWELVE species all from the same genus. Cyanea arborea, Cyanea comata, Cyanea cylindrocalyx, Cyanea dolichopoda, Cyanea giffardii, Cyanea marksii, Cyanea pohaku, Cyanea pycnocarpa, and Cyanea quercifolia are extinct.  Cyanea pinnatifida, Cyanea superba, and Cyanea truncata are extinct in the wild. Cyanea species are members of the Bellflower […]