Archive for 2008

What I’ve Noticed

Japan accidentally gives passenger 142g of cannabis. Flagstaff has a wool festival. When I first saw fliers for this around, I thought it was a joke… An incredible post on the infinite workload of an academic and trying to have a life via Sciencewomen. If you don’t think cat-calling is a problem, read this. How […]

Why postmodernism isn’t all bad

… here is a salute to the postmodernists.  As today’s celebrants of corybantic Romanticism, they enrich culture.  They say to the rest of us: Maybe, just maybe, you are wrong.  Their ideas are like sparks from firework explosions that travel away in all directions, devoid of following energy, soon to wink out in the dimensionless […]

There’s no enlightenment here

I also continue to find absolutely no meaning in the pain itself. (I find the Headache to be as profound as a malfunctioning car alarm that just won’t shut off…) From All in My Head

The Purse-Seine

By Robinson Jeffers There is no reason for amazement: surely one always knew that cultures decay, and life’s end is death.


I stepped into a Payless the other day to get out of the wind while waiting for a ride. I was faced with this abomination. I’m not really sure how long it’s going to take me to recover.

Activists in pain

Trying to save the world, in your own particular way, is very important. But the world will not save you. From All in My Head