Archive for 2008
lab building
Sometimes I leave work before dark. Sometimes.
How to clean your laptop screen
Don’t pay $25 for a cleaning kit. Take some disinfectant wipes that use mostly alcohol and wipe all the smudges off the screen. Then dry it off with the little cloth you’re supposed to clean your glasses with. A soft tshirt would probably work just as well. Since you’ve probably already got disinfectant wipes or […]
Weekly top 5
Mosquitos – Mosquitos Devendra Banhart – Rejoicing in the Hands Regina Spektor – Soviet Kitsch Emilie Simon – Vegetal Mosquitos – Sunshine Barato
lucky bamboo
That bulge is where new leaves will grow from.
What I’ve noticed
Dave on right wing crap That’s how right-wing crap works. It’s not meant to advance or even partake of discourse; it’s meant to end it. One can argue the worth of Hillary’s policies or her voting record or her position on the war till the cows come home; but when she’s reduced to being a […]
Pinyon confusion…
Pinyon pine cover quite a bit of the west. Economically, they’re good for pine nuts and fence posts. Ecologically, of course, they’re a lot more important than that. They’re also very important in figuring out what the climate was like a long time ago since their needles can be found in packrat middens dating back […]
John McCain would be a scary president
Lindsay Beyerstein at Majikthise has some good posts up about John McCain. One of John McCain’s closest advisors helped reshape finance law in a way that led to the Enron diaster and the current economic crisis. McCain is very good at manipulating the press. He doesn’t think there’s a constitutional right to privacy. He finally […]