Archive for 2007
angry feminists
I know this picture is old and an ad that so openly supported sexual harassment [definitely? probably? hopefully?] wouldn’t get published today. But feminists from the 70s, when this picture was taken, get a bad name sometimes. And this demonstrates 1) how terrible it was and 2) a fantastic sense of humor. Via Feministing.
On doing well in a world without women’s rights
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes So the French veecount is going to call up in the morning but I am not going to see him again. Because French gentlemen are really quite deceeving. I mean they take you to quite cute places and they make you feel quite good about yourself and you really seem to have […]
rape culture
I posted the other day about how difficult it was to get convictions in rape trials even with incredible evidence. In this case the perpetrators’ lawyer claims that it couldn’t have really been rape because the girls were unattractive and probably wanted the attention. lawyer Sheilagh Davies, acting for one of the defendants, said the […]
new plants!
I’ve got a bunch of seeds coming coming in the mail. I hope they’ll do well inside in the winter. Most of my apartment doesn’t get much sun, so I tried to get shade-tolerant plants. But I wanted something colorful, so I went for impatiens and coleus. I also got white and yellow black eyed […]
My living stones are so adorable! Though these green ones are doing something strange… They are supposed to be very short.
Democracy and religious fundamentalism in India
We should be paying attention to this: While Americans have focused on President Bush’s “war on terror,” Iraq, and the Middle East, democracy has been under siege in another part of the world. India — the most populous of all democracies, and a country whose Constitution protects human rights even more comprehensively than our own […]
Hand it to the Catholics
While the price of birth control pills on college campuses in US has skyrocketed this year due to Bush’s Deficit Reduction Act, Brazil is looking to prevent unwanted pregnancy by subsidizing the pill. If our politicians really were interested in reducing abortions, they wouldn’t make it so difficult to prevent pregnancy.