“pro-life” morality

Remember those gross pictures of genital warts from sex-ed? Genital warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV can also lead to cervical cancer. The governor of Texas tried to mandate the HPV vaccine, which is most effective before a person is exposed to the virus (in this case, before a person becomes sexually active). But those pro-lifers seem a lot more interested in keeping women from having sex than actually saving lives:

On Monday, 23 April, the Texas Senate voted 30-1 in favor of its version of HB1089, a bill overturning Rick Perry’s February executive order mandating that all girls entering the sixth grade receive the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine Gardasil.



  1. Nathan says:

    This has nothing to do with pro-lifers, and everything to do with the government not running our lives. Should the government also force people to wear condoms before having sex? Maybe a government official should come over and make sure you’ve got a rubber strapped on before letting you do it.

  2. sarcozona says:

    Many states have laws mandating vaccines. In North Carolina, the Hepatitis B vaccine is given to all children entering middle school. These vaccines are expensive. By mandating their use, individual families are not forced to bear the cost. HPV leads to cervical cancer, which used to be the most common cause of cancer death in women. The death rate has only dropped because more women are getting pap smears done every year – an uncomfortable and expensive procedure that poorer women may not have access to. A vaccine for HPV could save the lives of many women without infringing their rights.

    A vaccine does not control your life or limit your choices in any way. Your analogy is flawed.

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