Posts tagged “Encephalartos”

What We Killed Thursday

This week, I’ve got two more cycads that are extinct in the wild.  When Encephalartos relictus and Encephalartos woodii were discovered by western botanists, only one of each remained. E. relictus was discovered in 1971 by J. J. P. du Preez on the eastern border of Swaziland near Mozambique.  There was only one plant.  du […]

What We Killed Thursday

It’s been quite a few weeks since I’ve featured an extinct plant, but the series isn’t dead yet!  While I really enjoy researching and sharing what I find about extinct species, it does take more time than I had at the end of the semester. Many of the plants I feature are extinct in the […]

What We Killed This Thursday

Encephalartos brevifoliolatus Originally uploaded by Haarnaald Encephalartos brevifoliolatus is a cycad species first described in 1996.  By 2004, the 2 known female plants were gone and the population consisted of just 2 males.  While scientists and conservationists were making arrangements to save these two plants, one was stolen and the other chopped to pieces.  They […]