Posts tagged “Berry Go Round”

Berry Go Round

You saw September’s Berry Go Round, right? That monthly delight full of all sorts of interesting things about the most interesting things on the planet (i.e. plants)? Well if not, now’s a good time. And if you like it, you should volunteer to host the next one!

Berry Go Round #51

Now that the days are long and the sun is out again, I’ve been spending as much time as I can outside. This is my first spring in Epiphyte City and I’ve got a lot of new plants to learn. You wouldn’t know all the botanizing I’ve been doing by looking at my blog, but […]

Another Berry Go Round!

October’s Berry Go Round was posted last week and I only just now noticed.  A lucky turn of events since it was a fantastic distraction from today’s impending  migraine.  I had three favorites in this round of the carnival.  The first is on flowers that parasitize fungi complete with fantastic pictures of these weird, weird […]

Another Berry Go Round!

August’s Berry Go Round is now up at Seeds Aside.  I love Seeds Aside. Botanical content and pun-filled writing – two of my favorite things!  Some of the great posts in this particular carnival are this one on botanizing in the Bighorn Mountains and another on an adorable little Sedum.

Berry Go Round!

July’s Berry Go Round is here.  If you’re too lazy to run over to Jade Blackwater’s blog to read it, my favorites were Steve Young’s search for a rare sedge and Jeremy’s summary of the industrial vs. organic farming debate.

A New Berry Go Round!

As of last week, there’s a new edition of Berry Go Round available.  The posts this edition are quite good, thanks to the discerning taste of the host.  My two favorites were a post on the resurrection fern by The Phytophactor and Ted MacRae’s post on pawpaw flowers.