Posts tagged “Physics”

What I’ve Noticed

The rapists who don’t get caught are smart, misogynist predators, not confused young men. (via Michael Alan Miller) Teaching teenagers about healthy relationships reduces teen pregnancy. (via OPT) Unfortunately, about the only people who get a decent sex education in the US grow up on a farm. Obama gives the go-ahead for offshore drilling, reneging on […]

Hold on to your socks

This article in New Scientist blew my mind.  Basically, physicists were trying to find gravitational waves, but kept getting all this noise in their data.  And by “noise” they might actually mean they’ve figured out that we’re “living a giant cosmic hologram.” I took a philosophy class about identity and perception once that made me […]

What I’ve Noticed: Really Long Edition

Between things like steep fines and jail time for the “crimes” of being poor and/or a person of color and being unable to get a job because of poor credit, it’s almost impossible to escape poverty in the US. Yesterday was the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in WWII. Still sucks to be a woman in […]