Posts tagged “Environment”

What I’ve Noticed

A Phoenix nun was demoted for saving a woman’s life. Religious hospitals are kind of frightening. Already environmentally devastated areas, like mine tailings, might be a good place to install solar projects. A tragedy of “security:” “military personnel were so worried about getting their trucks into the proper place that they crushed a 68-year-old woman […]

Still drinking bottled water?

Drinking bottled water is not a good thing to do.  It’s expensive and bad for the environment and people (especially the poor).  Here’s a list from the NRDC’s Switchboard blogger Michelle Mehta of just a few bottled water statistics to convince you: It takes 3 liters of water to produce 1 liter of bottled water. […]

Snow leopard kittens & our burgeoning population

I came across this adorable overload of a snow leopard at the Akron zoo frolicking in the snow.  I’m not going to tell you how many times I watched the video because then I’d have to come to terms with all of the homework I should have gotten done instead.  The zoo snow leopard is […]

What I’ve Noticed

Dollhouse is over.  It was a great show. When Americans say they want to cut NASA’s budget, they think they’re talking about a budget of more than 600 billion instead of about 15 billion. Female orgasm described as ‘abhorent’ and  banned on film in Australia along with small breasted women.  Unsurprisingly, the standard does not […]

What I’ve Noticed

Lights on how the Christian community accepts rapists and vilifies their victims. Green spaces make you healthier. I wonder if houseplants help. Banning abortion doesn’t make it rarer, but it does make it more dangerous: unsafe abortions kill 70,000 women a year.  A lack of access to contraceptives leads to 60 million unintended pregnancies a […]

What I’ve Noticed

Japanese farmers grow the most beautiful apples.  The process is incredibly labor intensive, however, and may die out in the next generation or so. Peg Mullen, the Cindy Sheehan of the Vietnam war, died last week. Why aren’t more women philosophers?  It’s the same reason most women steer clear of computer science: the large proportion […]


Dust storms suck, but could help slow global warming, which is a very very good thing since it’s likely temps will increase more than 7 °F in the next 40 or 50 years.  This is an incredible rate of warming – more than 250 times faster than one of the fastest warming periods (that we […]