Posts tagged “Climate change”

articles worth reading

Cleaning up Yet emissions keep on rising. If greenhouse-gas concentrations are to be stabilised, then the carbon price or the support mechanisms for clean energy, or both, will have to rise or be adopted worldwide, or both. And if that happens, the returns on clean-energy investments will increase even further and the companies that have […]

amateur science

mushroom on the roof Originally uploaded by hans s I posted about the extended growing season for mushrooms in the UK a few weeks ago. A cool fact I didn’t know at the time: the discovery was due to a 50 year data collection by Alan Ganges, an amateur mycologist. Fungus enthusiast Edward Gange amassed […]

worse than predicted

Our worst case climate change scenarios are quite possibly much better than the reality will be. From a discussion of hurricanes in The Weather Makers: Some commentators believe that the discrepancy between the computer models and conditions in the real world somehow indicates that global warming is not responsible for the increasing cyclone activity. Others, […]

Sam Brownback doesn’t believe in evolution

Angry Astronomer has a good critique of Sam Brownback’s op-ed piece on evolution in the NY Times. If you didn’t watch the Republican presidential debates, Brownback is one of the three who said they did not believe in evolution. From the critique: He [Brownback] states, “we cannot drive a wedge between faith and reason. I […]

the future of coal

Gregory Boyce is skeptical of global climate change and has big plans for coal. Despite the fact that coal is known to be one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gases, Boyce, 52, is banking on a future in which America burns a lot more of it. With the country’s huge reserves, he argues, coal […]