Posts filed under “Uncategorized”
What to do with $300
Despite brushing and flossing and using foul tasting leave on re-calcifying paste and fancy mouthwash, I’m always getting cavities. I end up spending about 7% of my income at the dentist every year. Based on the prognosis at my last dentist’s appointment, I’ll spend about $300 at the dentist in the next month or so. […]
The Dream
Flattr Me
You may have noticed the new buttons at the end of my posts and wondered what on earth is flattr? Flattr is a way to pay people quickly, easily, and in reasonable amounts for content that you think is awesome. When you’re registered to flattr, you pay a small monthly fee. You set the amount […]
High tech ecology tools
This month’s Scientiae is going to be hosted by Karina at Ruminations of an Aspiring Ecologist and she’s picked an awesome theme: “school” supplies! That is, What things do you love in the lab? What are you lost without in the field? What computer programs make your life easier every day? What tools are indispensable? […]
Another Berry Go Round!
August’s Berry Go Round is now up at Seeds Aside. I love Seeds Aside. Botanical content and pun-filled writing – two of my favorite things! Some of the great posts in this particular carnival are this one on botanizing in the Bighorn Mountains and another on an adorable little Sedum.
Pretty Things
Narcissistic gratification or therapy?
From Muriel Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog: Mamam announced at the dinner table last night, as if it were a pretext to let the champagne flow freely, that it was exactly 10 years ago that she started her “anaaalysis.” Everyone will agree that this is absolutely maaarvelous. As far as I can see, only psychoanalysis […]