Posts filed under “Uncategorized”
Cooper’s Hawk: Who cares about pinyon pine?
Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) likes to nest in pinyon pine (Pinus edulis).
Long-eared owls: Who cares about pinyon pine?
Long-eared owls (Asio otus) consider pinyon-juniper woodlands breeding habitat.
American Kestral: Who cares about pinyon pine?
American Kestrals (Falco sparverius) like to nest in pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) snags.
Red-tailed hawks: Who cares about pinyon pine?
Red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) like to nest in pinyon pine (Pinus edulis).
Your early 20s are nothing new
From Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin: Idle again by dedication, oppressed by emptiness of soul, he strove to achieve the appropriation of other’s thought – a splendid goal; with shelves of books deployed for action, he read, and read – no satisfaction: here’s boredom, madness or pretence, here there’s no conscience, here no sense; they’re all chained up […]
Aging Hay Bind
Sometimes I don’t feel well
Like the last 36 hours.