Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

Redirect – Yoga edition

After almost a month of breaking my morning yoga routine because of migraines and busyness, I pretended that all my looming deadlines didn’t exist this morning and got back into it.  I sounded like a bowl of rice crispies with a megaphone, but it was lovely.  Despite the time I “lost” doing yoga this morning, […]


Today I’m stuck doing a bit of data analysis that I think is useless, but it’s faster to do the analysis and show how pointless it is than to explain to my advisor why it’s pointless.  Plus, there’s a teeny teeny tiny chance I’m wrong in my predictions about the outcome.  That would be embarrassing. […]


I haven’t had much time for writing substantive blog posts lately and right now is no exception.  In fact, the next month probably won’t be an exception.  I know this is pretty heartbreaking for you all.  So, until I get back to my regular awesome blogging, I’ll be pointing you to some blogs you may […]


I’m still busy, though I haven’t gotten overwhelmed enough to distract myself/procrastinate with some serious blog posts.  But I did find this song for you to listen to:

A Month of Flattring

Image via CrunchBase I’ve been using Flattr for just over a month now.  If you haven’t heard of Flattr yet, it’s a social micropayment system – an easy way to show people you appreciate their work. There’s no form to fill out or credit card info to enter every time you want to donate a […]