Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

Communicating Science

I went to DC this weekend for a really awesome workshop on using GIS as a tool to communicate science to non-scientists.  I’m pretty excited about giving my next presentation now – it’s amazing how much more information gets across when you use colors on a map instead of a bar chart. Most of the […]

Another Berry Go Round!

October’s Berry Go Round was posted last week and I only just now noticed.  A lucky turn of events since it was a fantastic distraction from today’s impending  migraine.  I had three favorites in this round of the carnival.  The first is on flowers that parasitize fungi complete with fantastic pictures of these weird, weird […]

Redirect – Goddess Edition

Remember that grant proposal I was freaking out about last week? I submitted it with plenty of time to spare and started on another one.  The one I’m working on now is kind of a big deal.  So far, things are going slowly because I’m so darn intimidated. Luckily, the blog of Dr. Isis, the domestic […]

Figures Lie and Liars Figure – Climate Change in 2007

My aunt has a hard time believing that climate change could be occurring. Her questions and concerns aren’t that different from many Americans’, so I’ve been responding to her here in a series called Figures Lie and Liars Figure.  You probably thought I was all done since my last post was more than a month […]

Femme Friday – Grant Writing Edition

So there’s this grant proposal I’ve been tinkering with on and off for the last few months, but haven’t really pulled together yet.  I thought it was due November 15.  I met with my boss Wednesday to discuss ways to frame our project.  She reminded me of some administrative paperwork I’d need to do before […]