Posts filed under “Uncategorized”

While you’re waiting for the bus

Stuff worth reading Sometimes My Body Is a Cage Do I share everything Roxane Gay writes? I should. What will we do if the system can no longer create jobs? An interview with Ansel… To be chronically ill in our society is to be a superfluous person in the system Animal populations ‘have halved since […]

I’m famous!

My Tenure, She Wrote post on poverty in grad school was cited and extensively quoted in a New York Times blog, which is basically the same thing as the newspaper, right?

While you’re waiting for the bus

Verifiability, truth, and hearsay: feminist point of view on the Geek Feminism wiki After a Puzzling Pause, the Gender Revolution Continues. Interesting point about overwork fueling the wage gap Abstract Parisian Rooftops Photographed by Michael Wolf Artist Hinke Schreuders Alters 1950s Advertising and Fashion Photography with Hand-Stitched Embroidery Astonishing Surreal Worlds Digitally Painted by Gediminas […]


I minored in math in undergrad. In about the second week or third week of each math course, I would strongly consider dropping, convinced I wasn’t clever enough to pass. I made a B in one of those courses and an A in every other. No matter how many math courses I took, I still […]

While you’re waiting for the bus

Stuff worth reading All Our Sad Stories Yes, we too often discount the effects of emotional abuse. I like to walk loudly, in shoes that clack, because I was not allowed to make a sound when I walked. All The Comments on Every Recipe Blog Canada’s anti-counterfeiting bill stalled by US demand for removal of […]

While you’re waiting for the bus

Stuff worth reading A brash tech entrepreneur thinks he can reinvent higher education by stripping it down to its essence, eliminating lectures and tenure along with football games, ivy-covered buildings, and research libraries. What if he’s right? This school sounds like a nightmare for someone with disabilities. More on Philosophy’s ‘White Man’ Problem How Racism […]

Pseudonymously yours

Sometime in 1997 or 1998, I signed up for an aim account and Sarcozona was born. I’ve since used a lot of pseudonyms on the internet and sometimes my real name, too, but my pseudonyms are bolder, more exploratory, more changeable than my real name. I feel freer writing as Sarcozona, even when I’m writing […]