Posts filed under “Uncategorized”
Antarctic Edge
Antarctic Edge is a great documentary. It’s gotten pretty mixed reviews – reviewers seem to think it should be a snappy political piece or a focused scientific piece. By way of their warts-and-all stories, these individuals closely connect with the audience, but what the work and findings in each of the scientists’ respective fields means […]
I made plans for you this weekend
You should really watch this movie.
The language you found touching in the Supreme Court judgment pissed me off
“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. … [M]arriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. … [The] hope [of the petitioners] is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask […]
While you’re waiting for the bus
Predatory credit score-based insurance fees The achievement gap: whose problem is it? The Dangerous Myth of Appomattox The solution to Ghost Apartments is Obvious, and Not Done White womens feminisms still center around equality. Black womens feminisms demand justice Report confirms that police killed Natasha McKenna with her hands cuffed and legs shackled
Young people’s political identification isn’t about what’s trendy. You just left Marxism off your survey.
Measured by self-identification, partisanship is actually declining — growing numbers of Americans describe themselves as “independent” rather than loyal to one of the parties. But measured by actual voting behavior, the opposite is happening: Straight ticket voting continues to grow. This matches what operatives like Dan Pfeiffer have seen, and what Karl Rove saw a […]
While you’re waiting for the bus
Stuff worth reading Making the Rich and Powerful Work for Everyone Comment on Guest Post: Changing my surname was a personal choice by jmc38 The Anthropocene Myth. Blaming all of humanity for climate change lets capitalism off the hook TPP leak: states give companies the right to repeal nations’ laws. Nothing I’ve read about the […]
Where did all my money go?
Several times a year, I look at my overall income and then my savings account and feel like a terrible, wasteful, spendy person. I think, given how much I’m making, I should have been able to save $X. And then I remember to factor in tuition and how much it went up again, and I’ve […]