Posts filed under “Migraine”

In ‘Real’ Life

I’ve got lots to share with you – how my first grad school interview went, what I think of Anthony Trollope, culling my show collection, an ode to dendrochronology. But my head hurts today, so I’m just going to leave you with a list of bloggers I wish I could have coffee with. Kriti, Mike, […]

Ayurvedic update – Failure #2

A very kind reader sent me The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies, and I’m trying the migraine remedies it recommends. The first remedy (yawning in a funny way) was a failure at treating migraines, but feels good. 2d Structure of Tyramine. Image via Wikipedia The second thing I tried was to eat a breakfast […]

Handling a Chronic Illness in Grad School

I’ve sent out applications to three of the four schools I’m applying to for graduate school and have begun a dialogue with potential major professors.  I feel pretty optimistic about getting into grad school.  I’m a smart cookie and I did some pretty cool research as an undergraduate. One of the things I haven’t brought […]

Doing something about migraines

Migraines get in my way. I’ve canceled on seeing the same person three times in the last week alone.  Migraines don’t happen randomly – people with migraines have triggers.  Some people have lots of triggers, some people have few. Some triggers are obvious and some are really hard to figure out.  One thing that makes […]


After a month of traveling, I’m finally home.  I loved visiting friends and (most) family, but that first view of my town’s peaks from the shuttle was like the end of Gone with the Wind.  I don’t want to go anywhere for a long, long time. The flight back was migraine-miserable, but otherwise pretty good. […]

Choosing a lab for graduate school

I’ve officially started my search for a graduate school.  Because of my migraines, I need to live somewhere with relatively constant barometric pressure.  Slow changes are ok, dinosaur teeth in the pressure plot are not.  The best places in the US and Canada for my migraines seem to be the Pacific Northwest, Southern California and […]