Posts filed under “Migraine”

Well that was no fun

My migraines have not been getting better. And I’m going to have to take back what I said last month about having less painful migraines. I ended up in the ER recently unable to eat or hardly speak. I’d really like to work on my PhD and write Christmas cards and leave my fucking house […]

Cefaly and migraine

Having migraine really sucks, and I’ll try just about anything to deal with this illness. One of the things I tried recently is the Cefaly, a scifi looking device I previously mocked. A lot of people seemed to be finding relief with it and a couple agencies had verified that it wouldn’t hurt me. After […]

A few good hours

Lately my migraines are rarely terrible, soul-crushingly painful events. But I am almost never completely pain or symptom free. Yesterday was the first day in weeks that I had a solid chunk of time with no migraine symptoms. I wrote the introduction to two of my proposal chapters, the methods for one chapter, did some […]

August migraine data

I had a shit ton of migraines in August. Fortunately by taking a triptan (relpax seems to work better than others for me) and/or 800mg ibuprofen & 1000mg tylenol when I get a migraine, I can usually guarantee that I’m not in extraordinary pain. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean I’m well enough to work. Migraines make […]