Posts filed under “Migraine”

Taking a medical leave

If you’ve been following me here, you know that my migraines are really out of control lately. To try and get a handle on that, I’ve gone on medical leave. I wrote about some of the challenges with that on Tenure, She Wrote a few days ago. In a month or so I’ll have another […]

Be flexible, but not too flexible

I need a routine to stay happy and productive, but migraines tend to throw my carefully planned days into disarray. This is ironic because routine is one of the best ways to prevent migraines. I wrote about a plan I made for sticking to routines that are constantly interrupted by migraine attacks. After a few […]

Through rose-coloured glasses

I didn’t know I could be outside without being in pain. Light is not a migraineur’s friend. Migraine attacks make just about everyone sensitive to light. Many people with migraine have attacks that are triggered by different kinds of light, like bright sunlight or flickering fluorescent lights. I have chronic migraine and find anything brighter […]

2013 had 193 days

I had a lot of migraines this year. If you add them all up, I lost 172 days. I actually lost more. A medication I took late last year and early this year (amitriptylene) had me so sleepy that I didn’t properly record my migraines for months. I lost more days to weakness, light sensitivity, […]

Really great resource from the migraine trust: Supplements and Herbs for Migraine – The Evidence

Migraine diaries

1 November I’m sick today, but remarkably buoyant; I was able to work yesterday and I might have celiac disease. Perhaps gluten-free will save me. I’m impossibly hopeful. 6 November Spent a chunk of last night at the ER after five rather unpleasant days. Perhaps buoyancy is another migraine trigger? They gave me a drug […]