Posts filed under “Migraine”

Good chronic pain and illness management

I’ve warned you off potentially bad chronic pain management programs and asked you to join a project improving a widely used program in North America. But if you’re looking for help right now, that isn’t very useful. So, here are a couple resources for the here and now: Not all official chronic pain/illness management programs […]

Migraine Memory

My memory is strange lately. I was talking to someone last weekend about my mother’s visit to Epiphyte City awhile ago. Then a few nights later, on the phone with her, she brought it up and I did not remember her visit at all – I denied that it had happened. She had to tell […]

A case of pudding hysteria resolved with a case of pudding

Do you remember the pudding hysteria incident? If you do not, let me refresh your memory: coming out of a migraine, feeling terrible, I developed an overwhelming craving for pudding. When I realized there was no pudding, my migraine brain melted the fuck down and I cried and cried and cried. Then, struck by the […]

Rewriting the book on living with chronic illness

Have you or someone you loved with a chronic condition been let down by the medical system’s approach to chronic pain self-management? @CampOther, @ElitaBaldridge, @cginpvd, myself, and others are working on a project to improve things a bit and we’d like your help. Patients with chronic pain and illness often have a hard time getting […]

Pudding hysteria

My migraine brain is strange and frustratingly emotional. One aspect of this is state I now dub “pudding hysteria.” Sometimes after a migraine when I am still feeling terrible I have incredible cravings for particular foods that I do not have in my house, usually dessert. Today I became so upset at not having butterscotch […]

Preliminary data

I looked up at the iv bag, half empty now, wondering when or if it would work. The drug dripping coldly into my arm was one familiar to me. In the past, it had made me writhe across the bed in a confused panic. Now they knew about that side effect and gave me something […]